Acuerdo de constitución de Isaval International Paints.
25 junio, 2018
Argelia. Ley de Finanzas 2021
1 enero, 2021At CLE INTERNATIONAL’s facilities in Algiers, the agreement was signed on 25 June 2018 by which the companies PINTURAS ISAVAL,one of the leading paint manufacturers in Spain and the Algerian merchant SAPPEC,distributorof paints for various uses, agree on the establishment of the Algerian law joint venture ISAVAL INTERNATIONAL PAINTS,which will operate in Algeria in the manufacture and distribution of paints, especially in the field of construction, both for the Algerian market and for third countries.
In the photo we can see the representatives of both companies, Mr. Santiago Vallejo,Chairman of the Board ofDirectors of PINTURAS ISAVAL and Mr. Khalil Loutani,manager of SAPPEC at the time of the signing of the partner pact with the agreement of constitution, investment and operation, in the presence of Mr. Eduardo González, manager of CLE INTERNATIONAL, in Algiers.
Both partners have been collaborating for several years in Algeria, where SAPPEC acts as a distributor of ISAVAL products. In order to improve their implementation in the national market, they decide to undertake this project that will involve the construction and commissioning of a paint factory in the Oran area, for which the necessary procedures are already underway.
CLE INTERNATIONAL has participated since the beginning of the negotiations, in the elaboration of the agreements and pacts that have led to the final formalization of the founding act of the new company and the partner agreements on its future operation under the best conditions of guarantee of safety and effectiveness for all participants.
We welcome the decision taken by both companies in the development of this ambitious project, which we augur all kinds of successes given the proven experience of the participants, the synergies of collaboration between them and the important experience of working together for several years in the Algerian market. An excellent example of how an internationalization project with guarantees of success should be addressed.
CLE INTERNACIONAL appreciates the confidence shown by ISAVAL and SAPPEC and expresses the pride of being able to participate in the birth of this new project, along with its sincere congratulations.