Les anciens Premiers ministres algériens Ouyahia et Sellal condamnés chacun à 7 ans de prison
12 diciembre, 2021
18 enero, 2022The Court of Algiers has sentenced former prime ministers Abdelmalek Sellal and Ahmed Ouyahia, to 7 years in prison each for the Mahieddine Tahkout case, for squandering public money and abuse of privileged position as well as for causing a loss of € 2,000 MM to the public treasury.
Mahieddine Tahkout, who was a minister, had a distribution network of several car brands and a vehicle assembly factory of the South Korean HYUNDAI, was sentenced for these acts to 14 years in prison. His brothers Hamid and Nacer and the former high official of Industry Amine Tira were also convicted of this matter.
The court has also convicted former ministers Amar Ghoul and Youcef Yousfi, as well as the companies CEVITAL and ELSECOM, for various cases of money laundering, abuse of privileged position and corruption.
FUENTE: TSA, 12/12/2021. https://www.tsa-algerie.dz/affaire-tahkout-sellal-et-ouyahia-condamnes-en-appel-a-7-ans-de-prison-ferme/