17 junio, 2021
17 junio, 2021In recent days, the official results of the legislative elections of 12 June in Algeria have been «trickling» in the Algerian media, although the results are not yet «definitive».
To point out that the government gives a definitive figure of participation of 23%, compared to the30.2% that had been given as official at the closing of the polling stations, and the «null votes» the 25% of votes cast.
Out of an electoral mass of 24.425 million, of which 0.9 million are abroad, the turnout was 23%, with the following table of results for the distribution of the 407 seats:
- ◗ FLN 105 sièges
- ◗ Indépendants 78 sièges
- ◗ RND 57 sièges
- ◗ MSP 64 sièges
- ◗ Front El Moustakbal 48 sièges
- ◗ Mouvement El-Bina 40 sièges
- ◗ Parti voix du peuple 3 sièges
- ◗ Front de la bonne gouvernance 3 sièges
- ◗ Parti de la Justice et du développement 2 sièges
- ◗ Parti El-Fadjr el-djadid 2 sièges
- ◗ Front de l’Algérie nouvelle 1 siège
- ◗ Parti El-Karama 1 siège
- ◗ Parti Jil Jadid 1 siège.
The parliament has a composition similar to that of 2017, but the re-run of the FLN + RND «presidential coalition», heavily touched by corruption scandals, is far from the majority.
On the Islamist side there is a «relative victory», adding the 64 seats of the MSP, the 40 of El-Bina and the 2 of the PJD, which even far from a sufficient majority, have obtained an overall result «healthy».
The main Islamist party, Makri’s MSP, which opposed the 2019 presidential election that brought Teboune to power, is further removed from the rigorist positions of the «Islamicbrotherhood»,but has also been touched by the corruption scandals of the Bouteflika era especially in the figure of Amar Ghoul, a minister for long periods.
Makri has fallen far short of the great results he predicted throughout the campaign, but the position of the independents, who largely claim to be Islamists as well, and the «moderation» of his statements, open the door to some alliance (?).
The «expectations seem open», we will see if a new «Presidential Alliance» is possible.
- https://www.liberte-algerie.com/actualite/par-les-chiffres-360430
- https://www.liberte-algerie.com/actualite/le-fln-en-tete-suivi-par-les-independants-et-le-msp-360404
- https://www.liberte-algerie.com/actualite/la-reconstitution-de-lancienne-alliance-presidentielle-nest-pas-exclue-360432
- https://www.liberte-algerie.com/actualite/le-reflux-des-islamistes-360429
- https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/en-algerie-qui-sont-les-islamistes-du-msp-qui-revendiquent-la-victoire-aux-elections