Fin de l’obligation de fournir 120 % pendant 30 jours, paiements des importations pour la revente.
29 julio, 2022
Fin de la obligación de provisionar el 120 % por 30 días, los pagos de importaciones para reventa.
29 julio, 2022The Bank of Algeria sent last Thursday its instruction No. 02/2022, which suspends the obligation to provide 120% of the amount of import invoices for resale of goods, 30 days before the shipment of these, established in instruction No. 05-2017 of October 22.
The rest of the measures that in recent years have limited the number of products available for import and resale remain in force and in particular the application of D.E. 21-94 of March 9, 2021, which limited imports to a single family of products for each commercial registry. Thismeasure represents a marked improvement in financial conditions for Algerian importers.
TSA 28/07/2022: https://www.tsa-algerie.com/commerce-exterieur-nouvelle-instruction-de-la-banque-dalgerie/